PM’s Performance Delivery Unit


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About PMQA

Why is PMQA important for you now?

The PMQA Criteria are about success in your marketplace every day with a high-performing, high-integrity organization. The PMQA Criteria ask you all the right questions. The PMQA Criteria for Performance Excellence are about you!
Is addressing all the PMQA Criteria easy? No! But neither is achieving sustainable results in today’s challenging environment. Will the Criteria help you think and act strategically? Yes. Will they help you align your processes and your resources? Yes. Will they help you engage your workforce and your customers? Yes. Are these worthwhile goals? You decide.
No matter what type of organization you have, the Criteria provide a valuable framework that can help you measure performance and plan in an uncertain environment. It can help you decide on approaches such as ISO 9000, Lean, a Balanced Scorecard, and Six Sigma; improve communication, productivity, and effectiveness; and achieve strategic goals.
Submitting an Award application has valuable benefits. Every applicant receives a detailed feedback report based on a rigorous evaluation conducted by a panel of specially trained experts.

Criteria for Performance Excellence Framework

The requirements of the Criteria for Performance Excellence are embodied in seven Categories, as follows:

  • Leadership
  • Strategic Planning
  • Customer Focus
  • Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management
  • Workforce Focus
  • Process Management
  • Results


PMQA Schedules